How To Start A Blog In 2023, Step by Step Guide.

Are you eager to start your own blog but unsure where to begin? Look no further! This easy step-by-step guide will have you up and running with a beautiful blog in just 20 minutes, even if you have limited computer skills.

Designed with beginners in mind, this guide provides clear instructions accompanied by helpful pictures and videos to ensure your success.

By the end of the process, you’ll have a stunning blog ready to be shared with the world.

Rest assured that assistance is just a message away. If you encounter any obstacles or have questions along the way, simply reach out to me, and I’ll be more than happy to provide guidance and support. Get ready to embark on your blogging journey today!

Ready to get started? Skip the introduction and start building your blog right away by clicking here.

Hello there! My name is Ravi Kumar, a digital entrepreneur who has been immersed in the world of blogging and affiliate marketing since 2019.

After losing my job in aviation, where I worked as an aircraft maintenance engineer, I decided to share my knowledge and help others through blogging.

Starting a blog may feel daunting, but fear not! This comprehensive guide is specifically designed for beginners, equipping you with the basic computer skills needed to become a successful blogger.

Whether you’re 9 or 99 years old, you can create your own blog in just 20 minutes.

I’ll be transparent with you—I made tons of mistakes when I first ventured into blog building. However, you can benefit from my experience, ensuring that you don’t repeat those same errors.

I’ve created this free guide to simplify the process for complete beginners, enabling you to learn how to blog quickly and effortlessly.

Read More >>> How to Find Profitable Blog Niche: 100 blog ideas for 2023

So, just how do you start a blog?

Step 1: Get Started, How To Start A Blog

In just 20 minutes, you can have your blog up and running, ready for you to start sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world.

Whether you choose WordPress or Blogger, this article will tell you Why I Choose WordPress over Blogger?

To get started, there are two important tasks you need to complete:

1. Choose a domain:

Already have a registered domain? Let’s move on to step #2!

For this blog, the domain name is When you enter this domain into any web browser worldwide, it will lead you to this site.

When choosing a blog name, opt for something unique and descriptive to instantly convey the essence of your blog to your audience.

Another option is to use your own name. You can also include your middle name or initial, Overall you have to be creative with your name, if your desired domain name is already taken.

Many successful bloggers use their own name as their domain, which not only establishes their brand but also secures their “virtual real estate” from others.

Need assistance in finding the perfect blog name? Feel free to contact me, and I’ll personally assist you—for free!

Once you have some blog name ideas, it’s time to select a domain extension. While .com is the popular choice, .net and .org are equally effective. I recommend avoiding less familiar extensions like .us or .biz.

Occasionally, you may discover that your desired domain name is already taken. Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. In fact, it happened to me with this site, was unavailable, so I chose instead.

Because my native place name is bijnor so I picked ‘nor’ from bijnor. So if your preferred name is taken, consider adding simple words like “the,” “a,” or “my” or any word, to the beginning or end.

Let’s find the perfect domain name and embark on your blogging journey!

2. Set Up Hosting:

In a saturated hosting market, Bluehost shines as my top recommendation. With exceptional service, their dedicated support team swiftly resolves any beginner or troubleshooting issues.

Enjoy a secure online presence with easy WordPress installation, automatic updates, a free domain, a free SSL certificate, and 24/7 customer support, Plus, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for peace of mind.

Read More >>> Bluehost Review 2023: Complete Overview of Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons

Get started with BlueHost's budget-friendly price of just $2.95 per month, including a Free Domain.

Get started with BlueHost’s budget-friendly price of just $2.95 per month, including a Free Domain.

Benefit from their strong SEO optimization for higher search engine rankings.

Step 2: Set Up Your Blog

1. To take advantage of the exclusive discounted rate per month on BlueHost, simply click here and then select the “get started now” button.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with!

To ensure transparency, please check out Disclosure link here.

2. Choose the hosting plan that suits your needs. For new bloggers, I recommend the basic plan. Simply click on the “Select” button to proceed with your chosen plan.

3. Type in your domain name in the left box and then click “Next” to start the registration process.

4. Provide your billing details on the registration page.

5. In addition to filling out your billing details, you’ll also need to select your hosting package and options.

BlueHost offers comprehensive account plans that provide everything you need to start your blog successfully.

This includes a free custom domain name, effortless WordPress installation, reliable web hosting, and personalized email addresses like [email protected].

When choosing your package, I recommend unchecking the boxes for any extras except for “Domain Privacy & Protection.”

While not mandatory, domain privacy ensures that your personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email, remains hidden from the public database of registered domain owners.

This extra layer of privacy can be beneficial for your online security.

6. Enter payment information

7. Then you need to create your BlueHost account and password, here your purchase is successful.

After completing the account creation process, you will be directed to an installation helper. Since you are following this tutorial, you can simply click on “Skip this step” on the subsequent pages to directly access the dashboard.

Step 3. Install The WordPress

  1. Click on the My Sites tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
  2. Hover over the site you wish to manage, and click Manage Site.

3. On the upper right-most corner, click Log into WordPress.

4. Click the website option from the sub-menu

5. From the WordPress section, click the install now button.

6. Hover your mouse over the WordPress icon, and click the install button. 

Step 4: Customize your blog

To customize your blog, first, ensure that you are logged in. If you haven’t logged in yet, visit and click on “Login” at the top right corner to access the login screen.

Enter your domain name and the password you set earlier to log in. If you can’t remember your password, don’t worry. Simply click on the “Forgot Password” link to reset it.

Once you log-in you will be taken to your BlueHost Portal.  From the portal you can click the blue “WordPress” button to be logged-in automatically to your WordPress blog.

Change Your Blog Design

After logging in, you will find yourself in the WordPress dashboard. This is your hub for making any desired changes to your blog.

When it comes to the appearance of your blog, WordPress offers the flexibility to customize it according to your unique preferences.

With just a few clicks, you can completely transform the layout and design.

In WordPress, these customizable layouts are called “Themes.” A blog theme is responsible for the overall design of your WordPress blog.

To change your theme, simply navigate to the “Appearance” tab on the left menu and click on it.

If you’re looking for a free theme for your blog, you can choose Hestia, But if you have a budget and want a highly versatile and feature-rich theme, I highly recommend GeneratePress.

It’s a premium theme that offers a wide range of customization options and advanced features.

To activate a theme on your blog, simply hover over the desired theme and click the “Activate” button. With just one click, you can completely transform the appearance of your blog.

GeneratePress is a lightweight and versatile WordPress theme that offers a seamless user experience. With its clean code and fast loading times, it ensures optimal performance.

The theme is highly customizable, allowing you to easily design your website to match your vision. It is responsive and displays beautifully on all devices.

With built-in SEO features, GeneratePress helps improve your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

By choosing the right theme for your blog, whether it’s the free Hestia or the premium GeneratePress, you can enhance your blog’s visual appeal and create a captivating online presence.

Anytime if you want to change the themes already installed on your blog, don’t worry! WordPress offers thousands of other free themes for you to choose from.

To install a new theme, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the “Appearance” tab on the left menu of your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Then, select “Add New Theme“.

By doing so, you’ll have access to a wide range of themes that you can explore and select for your blog. This gives you the freedom to find the perfect design that matches your style and captures your blog’s essence.

Step 5: How To Write A New Blog Post & Publish It

Here is a good news now that your blog is live, it’s time to start creating your first blog post. You’ll be surprised at how effortless it is to create a blog. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. On the left menu, click on “Posts” to access the blog post section.
  2. Click on “Add New” to create a new blog post.
  3. Give your blog post a catchy title that accurately represents the content you’ll be sharing.
  4. Start writing your blog post in the main editor area. You can use paragraphs, headings, and formatting options to make it visually appealing and easy to read.

You will see there is already a post there. This is a default post on every new WordPress blog, and we don’t need it. To delete it click “Trash” just under the post.

To begin writing a new post, click the “Add New” link.

You have reached the post editor screen. Type the title of your post in the upper box and start writing your content in the lower box.

To include an image in your post, click on the “Add Image” icon and choose “Upload” to select a picture from your computer. You can resize the image on the following screen.

Once you’re done, click “Insert into post” to add the image.

Remember to optimize your images for better SEO by using descriptive file names and adding alt text to provide a brief description of the image.

Once you have finished your post just click the “Publish” button on the top right side of the screen to publish the new post.

Step 6: Content Your Blog Should Include

Your blog should offer two types of content: static and dynamic.

Static Content: Your blog should include essential pages that provide visitors with the necessary tools and information.

These pages have static content, meaning they don’t change frequently, if at all. They are typically top-level pages accessible through a menu on your blog.

These static content pages should be in place well before you launch your blog to the world.

Important static pages to include:

  • About Me (Us) – This page should include a biographical summary of the author(s) as well as a mission statement. Think about the answers to these questions: How did your passion for the subject matter develop? What do you want to convey to the world? What is your ultimate goal?
  • Contact Me (Us) – A contact page provides the visitor a place to reach the author which, in turn, provides the visitor with the reassurance that you are a real and reachable author. You can add your physical address, phone number, and custom email address. Or you can utilize a simple contact form to keep your personal identifying information private. You should put links to all of your social media profiles here as well.

Aside from your blog, which is generally introduced on the home/main page, these two all-important pages should be visible on your top (header) menu and easy to access.

Other static pages that are equally as important but less commonly thought of are:

  • Disclaimer Page: If you intend to monetize your blog, you must describe the ways you intend to generate income. This is an absolute must-have page that should not be overlooked, as per FTC guidelines. For example, if you are discussing and endorsing a product, and stand to profit by linking to the product, this relationship must be disclosed.
  • Privacy Policy: If you collect data from your visitors in any way, you are required to add a privacy policy page that tells visitors exactly how you are collecting data, how you are using it, and if you are sharing that data. If you implement Google AdSense or a Google Analytics account on your blog, a Privacy Policy must be used. This page is required by the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and is included by default on your WordPress blog.
  • Terms of Service: If your blog is also running a store or selling services, it is a good idea to have a Terms of Service page to lessen your potential liability.

The essential static pages of your blog are typically linked in the footer menu. It’s important for them to be easily visible and accessible from the homepage.

Depending on your blog and business, there are additional static pages you can consider including.

Some common examples include an advertising page for paid advertisements, a donations page, a resource page that directs visitors to valuable links in your field, and a page for submitting ideas and content.

Dynamic Content: The heart of your blog lies in its dynamic content, which is the most valuable offering you provide.

As the creator, this is where you share informative and engaging content, such as tips, facts, opinions, and stories, tailored to your audience.

By consistently delivering this type of content, you can keep your visitors engaged and coming back for more.

To establish a loyal following, it’s essential to regularly publish new blog posts. Waiting for months between content updates won’t help you build an audience.

Aim to post new content on a weekly basis and actively drive traffic to these posts. This consistent effort will contribute to the growth of your brand.

Step 7: How To Write Exceptional Blog Content

Creating Engaging Blog Posts: Each blog post should be informative, engaging, and lengthy enough to provide valuable insights. However, to keep things lively and interesting, feel free to mix up the tone and subject matter. It’s your space to be creative. However, there are key elements that every piece of content should strive to include.

Captivating Title and Introduction: Create a compelling post title that sparks curiosity and encourages readers to click. In the first paragraph, clearly define the article’s topic and use a hook to keep readers engaged.

Length Matters, Break It Up: Including detailed information is important, but avoid long paragraphs that might cause readers to skim or lose interest. Break up your content into shorter paragraphs with spacing, use lists and standout quotes, incorporate images, and include headings and sub-headings to facilitate easy navigation.

Engage Your Readers: To boost engagement, end each post with a meaningful question and encourage readers to leave comments. This simple tactic can significantly increase interaction.

Originality Is Key: Always produce original content and avoid plagiarism. Your blog posts should reflect your own thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. While you can draw inspiration from others in your field, ensure that the content is uniquely yours.

Use Original Photos: While it’s convenient to use stock images from free image sites, it’s even better to include your own photos and graphics. Another option is to modify free images using a photo editor.

Edit and Proofread: Ensure your blog content is well-edited. Typos and grammatical errors can diminish your professionalism. Consider using a writing application or refreshing your grammar skills through refresher courses.

Looking to take your blog to the next level? Don’t miss out on my comprehensive guide on “A Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research for Bloggers [2023].

Step 8: Publishing Your Blog

After you finish writing a blog post, you might notice that your blog still displays a temporary page.

When you’re ready to make your blog visible to the public for the first time, follow these steps in your WordPress dashboard:

  1. Click on “Home” located at the top left of the menu.
  2. Then, select “Launch with confidence.”
  3. Click the blue button that says “Launch your site” to remove the placeholder page and officially launch your blog.

Congratulations! You now know how to start your own blog and publish content!

Step 9: Promote your blog

Creating a well-designed blog and writing excellent content is only the beginning. To drive traffic to your blog, it’s crucial to dedicate time to its promotion, especially in the initial stages.

Implementing the strategies outlined below will help you reach a wider audience. You don’t have to employ every strategy simultaneously; instead, experiment with a few to determine which ones work best for you.

1. Notify Your Close Network

The initial individuals who should be informed about your blog are those closest to you, such as your family, friends, and colleagues in your industry.

Engage them to become followers, request their support in spreading the word about your new blog, and, most importantly, express your gratitude.

2. Use The Power of Social Media

Social media platforms offer a valuable avenue for promoting your blog. While it’s important not to go overboard, creating accounts on major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram is a good idea.

On these accounts, not only can you share links to your latest content, but you can also post relevant news and links to other sources that your readers may find interesting.

Remember to incorporate relevant hashtags and actively engage with your followers.

One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to my blog is by sharing links on my social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter.

This approach is powerful because not only will your friends see the link, but if they share it with their friends, it exponentially increases your number of visitors.

If your blog features high-quality content, social media has the potential to make it go viral.

3. Engage with Other Blogs

Discover blogs within your niche and actively participate in their community. Leave insightful and constructive comments in the comment section, introducing yourself and sharing your thoughts.

Some blogs may even allow you to include a link to your own blog. By building relationships with influential bloggers in your field, you’ll find yourself becoming a recognized member of the community in no time.

4. Interact with Your Readers

It’s crucial to engage with your readers when they leave comments on your blog posts. Take the time to respond to their comments and address their questions.

Show appreciation by giving them likes and positive feedback. By demonstrating your care for your community and readers, you naturally encourage them to come back for more.

5. Collaborate with other bloggers

Immerse yourself in the blogging community by establishing collaborations with esteemed bloggers in your field.

This collaboration can involve guest posting, promoting each other’s blogs and products, and maintaining regular interaction through comments and social media engagement.

6. Maintain Consistent Posting

Ensure a regular posting schedule for your blog. Create an editorial calendar and adhere to it diligently. A successful blogger aims to publish at least once a week, especially in the initial stages.

Prolonged gaps between posts can lead to a decline in followers and impede your blog’s growth. While it may not be easy to adhere to a schedule, it is crucial to maintain consistency.

7. Build an Email List

In addition to attracting new visitors to your blog, it’s important to encourage your current visitors to return. This is where email marketing comes into play.

By obtaining the email addresses of your visitors (with their consent), you can keep them informed about new content on your blog.

This not only brings people back to your blog on a regular basis, but also helps you cultivate a stronger relationship with your audience.

8. Enhance Your Blog’s Search Engine Visibility ( SEO )

You want your blog to appear in search results as quickly as possible. Follow these steps to optimize your blog for search engines:

  • Google: Create a Google Webmaster account and access the Search Console. Add your blog by clicking “Add Property” and follow the instructions to include your blog.
  • Bing: Register for a Bing Webmaster account and add your blog to their platform.

Submitting your blog is the initial step in the process of search engine optimization (SEO).

Keep in mind that when your blog is new, your traffic might be limited initially. However, this can change over time as long as you consistently publish informative and relevant content.

To streamline this optimization process, ensure that each page of your blog incorporates these essential elements:

  • Header Tags: Wrap section headings and subheadings in appropriate header tags. In your block editor, click on the left item and change it to “Heading.” You can then choose from H1, H2, H3, and so on to structure your headings.

  • Categorization: Clearly categorize your content into relevant and specific categories. In the post editor screen, click on “Document” in the right menu, then scroll down to “Categories” and select “Add New Category” to assign a category to your post.

  • Permalinks: Customize the end portion of your blog post’s URL, known as the slug. Avoid using article numbers and ensure each post has a defined slug. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Settings” -> “Permalinks” and select the “Post Name” option. Don’t forget to click “Save Changes” to apply the new permalink structure.

These are important factors to consider for improving your search rankings, especially in the early stages.

While there are additional strategies, such as using plugins like Yoast SEO, focusing on these key elements will yield results sooner rather than later.

For more comprehensive tips on promoting your blog, be sure to explore my detailed guide to blog promotion.

Step 10. Make Money from Your Blog

After putting in the effort to create valuable blog content and promote your blog, monetizing it becomes the next step, and it can be easier than you think.

While blogs have the potential to generate significant income, it’s important to note that it may take time before you start seeing consistent earnings.

Building a successful blog requires dedication and persistence. Once you’ve built a sizable audience, there are several methods you can use to monetize your blog effectively.

Sell Advertising Space: When your blog gains popularity, advertisers will be interested in advertising on your platform.

One effective way to monetize through advertising is by using Google AdSense. By placing the Google AdSense code on your blog, Google takes care of finding advertisers for you, simplifying the process and providing you with revenue.

Promote Affiliate Products: Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions by promoting products or services.

By including affiliate links in your blog posts, when your readers click on those links and make a purchase, you earn a commission.

Affiliate marketing works particularly well with product reviews. Remember to disclose that you are an affiliate for the products you promote.

Sell Your Own Products and Services: Selling your own products or services directly on your blog is an effective way to increase your income.

As your blog grows and attracts a wider audience, you’ll find it easier to sell your offerings. Utilize the sidebar of your blog to showcase your products and services with visually appealing images and links to your storefront page.

Offer Digital Downloads: Digital products like ebooks, video tutorials, and e-courses are popular among bloggers for generating income.

With low overhead costs and no shipping expenses, you can price your digital downloads attractively. If you have expertise in your field, writing an ebook can be a rewarding endeavor.

Create Membership: Options Adding membership options to your blog can provide exclusive content and benefits to paid members.

This may include unlimited downloads of digital goods, free consultations, access to a private network or forum, and exclusive content.

Memberships can be an effective way to monetize your blog and offer added value to your audience.

Remember, the monetization methods you choose should align with your blog’s goals and purpose. For instance, if you’re already selling services or physical/digital goods, you may prefer not to participate in affiliate programs that could redirect traffic away from your site.

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